Joel Osteen - Sermons Online (2024)


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Joel Osteen - Sermons Online (2)

Joel Osteen

Joel Osteen Ministries

Joel Osteen is a preacher who gives inspiration!

And that’s true, he is positive, his sermons are positive, his ministry is positive. The parishioners of his church are very successful people, as a result! How does he inspire millions of people around the world? Let's find out!

Joel Austen began preaching in 1999, but his ministry began long before: in 1982, Osteen, left his studies, returned from Houston and invited his father to create a television ministry in LakeWood Church. He became the leader and inspirer of this ministry.

Joel Osteen - Sermons Online (3)

Father preached, the son made video reports that everyone would like. Joel helped his father in organizing the ministry:

  • he prepared his father for the scene;
  • picked up suit and tie;
  • worked with lighting and video equipment in the hall, for best results.

Some details

He became the best assistant for his father, but throughout this time he did not preach - not one word from the scene - it's just impossible to believe now! The person who is considered as the most popular preacher in the world never preached until 1999! It's an incredible fact for me. Joel Osteen explains this: "I was very shy, and did not imagine myself as a preacher on this scene. I was completely satisfied with my work. " But John Osteen (Joel's father) was very persistent, he asked his son to start preaching again and again, but the son always politely refused. But once Joel agreed to his father’s persuasions. On the birthday of John, they talked on the phone and the father once again invited his son to preach. He again refused, and after the conversation, he felt something unusual in his chest and heard a voice: "Joel - you should do it." After that he called his father and announced his decision. The family was amazed, and Joel, as he said, had the worst 7 days in his life. He decided to try once to convince his father and himself that it was not his occupation. But it did not work out that way.

A few days later, the father went to the hospital and the first preaching of his son, with pride and tears in his eyes, he heard on the phone. In a few days more he passed away. Joel experienced a great shock, but he felt that he must go on stage and continue his father's ministry. And he did it.

Joel Osteen's first sermons were similar in style to his father's sermon, but after a while he decided that his sermons should become as accessible and understandable to everyone as possible. He wanted his preaching not to be abstruse, perhaps that's why you can’t see lots of biblical characters in them, but there is many simple theses.

So, in the beginning of 1999, Osteen became the chief pastor of the LakeWood church. At that moment, the church had about 6,000 parishioners, but due to the simplicity and positive attitude of Joel's sermons, the number of parishioners increased to over 40,000. And they decided to purchase a new spacious room for service. The new building for the church was Compaq Center.

Now his ministry gathers up to 30,000 people every week in the church and hundreds of thousands behind TV screens around the world. Just imagine: hundreds of thousands of spectators!

But as Joel Osteen's popularity grew, so did criticism about him. Many modern preachers criticize Osteen for the ministry in which well-being is placed first. Also Joel deliberately does not use such words as sin, devil, hell while he preaches. And as if in contrast to this often sound the theme of prosperity, both financial and family in his sermons. The preacher himself comments on the criticism as follows: "I almost never see or hear criticism, I do not read blogs and comments. Everyone I talk to, say that my sermons changed their lives. It is very important for me!"

Joel says that while preaching about prosperity he does not mean money as such, prosperity. In his understanding success is in all endeavors: in work, family, in the upbringing of children and in many other things. A characteristic feature of his services is the fact that he does not call for donating any finances to the church or to him directly. He is not a paid pastor in the church, the main source of earnings is royalties from the sales of his books. Joel Osteen, not just the world-famous preacher, he is also the author of several bestsellers. They inspire people no less sermons, that’s why their sales are very large.

From all the above, you could conclude that the main parishioners of the Church of Osteen are very rich people, but this is not so: you can see very influential people, members of the government in very expensive suits and ordinary people in trampled shoes on his services. This is explained by the availability and simplicity of the ministry and preaching of the pastor.

As we wrote, Joel Osteen's style is simplicity and accessibility for all, a minimum of criticism and a positive message in the life of the listener.

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Set Apart - Joel Osteen Today's Word (july-13-2021)

Joel Osteen (july-13-2021) Today's Word: Set Apart

Today's Scripture: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5, NIV

Today's Word: What God said to Jeremiah, He says to each of us. You’re not like everyone else. You’ve not only been handpicked by the Most High God, but He set you apart for His own purpose. He made you uncommon. Could it be the reason you’re not seeing increase is you’re being common? Perhaps you’re stuck at one level because you’re just fitting in, being like everyone else. There’s nothing different about you.

That’s not who you are. You’ve been set apart. When others around you have a sour, critical attitude, you have to dig your heels in and say, “That is not the way I’m going to live. I’m going to enjoy each day and be grateful. I’m going to be good to people and expect God’s favor.” You may be surrounded by people who are lazy, taking the easy way out, but live by a higher standard. Don’t let that keep you from your destiny. You’ve been set apart. You’re not common. Now do your part and don’t live common.

Prayer for Today: “Father, thank You that You are the Most High God, and You handpicked me and set me apart for Your own purpose. Thank You for calling me to live by a higher standard and be distinct. I want my life to be uncommon and bring You praise. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


Remembered No More - Joel Osteen Today's Word (July-12-2022)

Joel Osteen (July-12-2022) Today's Word: Remembered No More

Today’s Scripture: Isaiah 44:22, NKJV - I have blotted out, like a thick cloud, your transgressions, and like a cloud, your sins. Return to Me, for I have redeemed you.

Today’s Word: Imagine your mistakes and failures as a thick fog covering you. You can barely see anything in front of you. Then the sun comes out, and the fog disappears. It doesn't move somewhere else; the sun evaporates it. We all have times when we're clouded by sin, mistakes, and poor choices, but when you ask God to forgive you, the Son comes out, shines His light, and causes that sin to disappear--it's gone. Hebrews 10:17 says He will remember our sins no more.

My challenge to you is, quit remembering what God has forgotten. Quit bringing up what's already evaporated. If you keep dwelling on and reliving mistakes you've made, you're causing that dark cloud to follow you everywhere you go. God evaporates it, and it's sunny for a few hours. But then you start thinking about it again, reliving the guilt, and a new cloud forms. You are redeemed and restored, so keep the Son out in your life and walk in His light.

Prayer for Today: Father, thank You for blotting out all my sins like a thick cloud and for releasing me from condemnation because of past mistakes. Thank You for redeeming me and for Your promise that You will remember my sins no more. I want to walk freely in Your light. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


The Sacrifice of Praise - Joel Osteen Today's Word (July-10-2022)

Joel Osteen (July-10-2022) Today's Word: The Sacrifice of Praise

TODAY'S SCRIPTURE:"Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name."(Hebrews 13:15, NKJV)

TODAY'S WORD:Have you ever thought about what it means to continually offer up a sacrifice of praise? That word “sacrifice” means that it cost you something. It means doing something when you don’t feel like it. It’s when you say, “God, I’m hurting, but I give You praise.” “God, I’m lonely, but I give You praise.” “God, it wasn’t fair. They did me wrong, but I give You praise.”

When you praise God beyond your feelings, that’s when praise becomes your faith at work. That’s when praise becomes a weapon. Nothing gets God’s attention any more than when you call on Him in your time of trouble. When most people would become negative and bitter, you have a song of praise. You’re thanking God for who He is and what He will do in your life. You’re not talking about how big your problems are; you’re talking about how big your God is!

Today, understand that praise activates God’s power. He commands us to praise because it opens the door to His victory and blessing. No matter what is happening around you, worship Him! Declare His goodness and see His restoration in every area of your life!

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Father, today I choose to praise You. I choose to give You glory no matter what’s happening in the world around me. I know that You are good and faithful, so I give You all the praise in Jesus’ name! Amen.


Remain at Rest - Joel Osteen Today's Word (July-09-2022)

Joel Osteen (July-09-2022) Today's Word: Remain at Rest

Today’s Scripture: Exodus 14:14, AMPC - The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest.

Today’s Word: God had just delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, and they were traveling toward the Promised Land. But Pharaoh changed his mind. As the Israelites headed into a dead end at the Red Sea, they saw Pharaoh's army coming after them at full force. They had nowhere to go. It looked as though they would certainly be recaptured or killed. They began to panic and cried out, "Moses, why did you bring us out here to die?" Moses told the people to not be afraid, for the Lord would fight for them if they held their peace and remained at rest.

Notice there's a condition. If you remain at rest, the Creator of the universe will fight for you. If you don't worry about the medical report, if you don't get upset over the contract you didn't get, if you don't live stressed out over the people who are talking about you, because you're at rest, God will fight your battles and get you to where you're supposed to be.

Prayer for Today: Father, thank You for Your hand of protection upon my life. When I face problems that seem overwhelming, help me learn to hold my peace and remain at rest. I am believing that You will fight my battles and get me to where I'm supposed to be. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Don't Live An Average Life - Joel Osteen

Joel Osteen- Sermon: Don't Live An Average Life.Are you waiting for God to bless you, when God is waiting for you to be a blessing? The next level of your destiny is connected to helping someone else.


Don’t Chase the Blessing - Joel Osteen Today's Word (July-08-2021)

Joel Osteen (July-08-2021) Today's Word: Don’t Chase the Blessing

Today's Scripture: Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward. 1 Samuel 16:13, NKJV

Today's Word: David’s life was set on a new course by just one person. When Samuel came to his house and anointed him to be king, his whole world changed. What’s interesting is that David didn’t go after Samuel. Samuel came after David. You don’t have to go after the blessing. Keep honoring God, and the blessing will come to you. The right person, the healing, the promotion will find you. We spend too much time trying to make things happen. Then we get frustrated because it’s taking so long. But you can’t make things happen that are out of God’s timing. You can’t make people like you who are not supposed to like you. You can’t open a door that God has closed.

Quit focusing on who’s not for you, and start focusing on who is for you. The Most High God is breathing in your direction. He has you in the palms of His hands. His plans for you are for good. His being for you is more than the world being against you.

A Prayer for Today: “Father, thank You that just one person, just one promotion, just one touch of Your favor can set my life on a brand-new course. Thank You that You open and close doors and make the right things happen for me on Your timetable. I believe that You are working out Your plan for my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


Be Calm - Joel Osteen Today's Word (July-07-2022)

Joel Osteen (July-07-2022) Today's Word: Be Calm

Today's Scripture: “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves.” Matthew 10:16, NKJV

Today's Word: Have you ever seen a sheep pacing in the fields with worry and living uptight? They’re always at ease, yet sheep are for the most part defenseless. They can’t run fast and don’t have sharp teeth. They rely on the shepherd to take care of them. The shepherd keeps the wild animals away, shows them which way to go, and keeps them from danger. Sheep don’t worry, knowing that as long as the shepherd is there, everything will be fine.

We can take a lesson from sheep. Stay calm, for the Good Shepherd is watching over you, guiding you, protecting you. Yes, there will be some wolves in your path, some attacks, some things you don’t understand. Don’t fall apart or start complaining. Stay in peace. You don’t have to get all worked up. The Good Shepherd will fight your battles. He’ll lead you into the green pastures and restore your soul. You may go through some valleys, some difficult times, but you don’t have to fear any evil. The Lord your God is with you.

A Prayer for Today: “Father, thank You that You are my Good Shepherd, and You lead me to green pastures and restful waters. Thank You that even though I walk among wolves, You are protecting me, guiding me, and keeping me from danger. I declare that I am resting in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


Learn To Trust God - Joel Osteen

Joel Osteen- Sermon: Learn To Trust God.You haven’t missed your chance, the window hasn’t closed. Healing, breakthroughs, the right people, they’re already on your calendar. It’s going to happen at the time God has planned.


Speak What You Hear - Joel Osteen Today's Word (july 06 2021)

Joel Osteen (july 06 2021) Today's Word: Speak What You Hear

Today’s Scripture: 1 Kings 18:41, NKJV - Then Elijah said to Ahab, "Go up, eat and drink; for there is the sound of abundance of rain."

Today’s Word: When the prophet Elijah heard God speak to his spirit and told King Ahab, "I hear the sound of abundance of rain," it hadn't rained in Israel for over three years. Everywhere you looked it was brittle dry and not a cloud in the sky. Elijah could have thought, "I'm not going to tell anyone what I heard. They'll think I'm crazy." But he knew the way God is. In a drought, God will talk to you about rain. In lack, He'll talk to you about abundance. When you feel insignificant, He'll talk to you about greatness. He speaks to your spirit about what's coming, but it may be the opposite of what your circ*mstances look like.

It's not enough to just believe what you hear. The Scripture says, "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so." When you're fighting a sickness, tell someone, "I'm healthy. I'm whole," even if there's no sign of it. Your words have creative power. When you announce it, it sets the miracle in motion.

Prayer for Today: Father, thank You for all the ways You speak to me about what is coming. Thank You that You are in no way limited to what my circ*mstances look like and have been. Help me to have the boldness to speak out the words that You say and set a miracle in motion. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


When Life Is Unfair - Joel Osteen Today's Word (July-05-2021)

Joel Osteen (July-05-2021) Today's Word: When Life Is Unfair

Today's Scripture: Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Isaiah 30:18, NIV

You may feel as though you were shortchanged in life—you didn’t have a good childhood, or you’re dealing with a health issue, or your boss hasn’t treated you fairly. The good news is that God saw the hurt and knows what you’re owed. He’s keeping the records. He may not be able to give you another childhood or bring back a loved one, but He can make the rest of your life so rewarding, so fulfilling that you won’t think about what didn’t work out.

The hand you’ve been dealt may not be fair, but it’s not a surprise to God. In the dark places of your life, you have to keep reminding yourself that God is a God of justice. He knows exactly what’s going on. He already has a way to settle your case. Every time you’re tempted to worry, just turn it around and thank Him that payback is on the way. Thank Him that you’re coming into a place of no loss.

A Prayer for Today: “Father, thank You that You are a God of justice, and You keep the records. Thank You that the time comes when You say that it’s payback time, and You will settle my case. I believe that things are about to turn around and blessing is on the way. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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Joel Osteen - Sermons Online (2024)


What's going on with Joel Olsteen? ›

Joel Osteen's Houston megachurch defends getting $4.4 million in federal PPP loans. HOUSTON – Joel Osteen, the pastor at Lakewood Church in Houston, has come under fire in recent days after Houston Chronicle reported that the megachurch received $4.4 million in PPP loans from the Small Business Administration (SBA).

How does Joel Osteen talk so well? ›

Practice well ahead of time.

I've heard Osteen say that he prepares for five days ahead of each sermon. That means he begins to prepare, write, and rehearse on a Wednesday for the following Sunday's sermon. He'll spend hours for each 30-minute presentation and he starts fresh every week.

How do I order Joel Osteen messages? ›

You may order the message by either calling our ministry support team at 1-888-567-JOEL or ordering from our Broadcast page.

What was Joel Osteen's famous quote? ›

Don't just accept whatever comes your way in life. You were born to win; you were born for greatness; you were created to be a champion in life.

What does Joel Osteen's daughter do? ›

How much is Joel Olsteen worth? ›

All in all, Joel Osteen's net worth in 2024 stands at an estimated $100 million, a testament to his extraordinary success as an American pastor and televangelist.

How do you introduce yourself before preaching? ›

If you want to introduce yourself, that's fine, but make it short. “Good morning. My name is Justin Trapp, I'm one of the pastors here at New Life Church and it's great to be with you…” then jump right into the first words you've scripted for the message. Don't spend 5 minutes recapping the morning thus far.

What did Joel Osteen do before preaching? ›

In 1981 Osteen left Oral Roberts University after less than one year of study to help his father develop Lakewood's growing national television ministry, working behind the cameras as a producer of the church's broadcasts. After his father's death in 1999, Osteen took over as head pastor.

What prayer does Joel Osteen say? ›

I pray every day, "God, take our ministry where no ministry's ever gone before". I pray, "God, let our children supersede have ever done". There are prayers that I pray in private, never told anybody in the world, the secret dreams of my heart. If I told you, you'd say, "Joel, are you kidding?

Does Joel Osteen own a yacht? ›

Joel Osteen's has a net worth of $180 Million as of 2024. He owns multiple Mansions and Houses, Luxury Yachts, and even a Private Jet.

How do I get in touch with Joel Olsteen? ›

Contact Us
  1. United States. Main Contact. 888-567-JOEL(5635) Customer Service. 1-800-278-0520. Address. Joel Osteen Ministries. ...
  2. Australia. Main Contact. 1-800-829-180. Customer Service. 1-800-762-576. Address. Joel Osteen Ministries. ...
  3. Canada. Main Contact. 1-800-811-1075. Customer Service. 1-800-778-5089. Address.

What happened to John Olsteen? ›

On January 23, 1999, he died after a heart attack at the age of 77. His youngest son Joel Osteen later became the pastor, who has expanded his father's church. Lakewood now receives over 52,000 in attendance and reaches millions of people around the world by television and online.

What is the net worth of Joel Osteen? ›

Estimated net worth: US$100 million

Preacher, televangelist and author Joel Osteen is best known for being the pastor of Lakewood Church, founded by his father in Houston, Texas.

What is the religion of pastor Joel Osteen? ›

Osteen follows a thread of evangelical Christianity called the Prosperity Gospel, which believes that following God brings rewards to followers who devote themselves to him, said Mark Ward Sr., a professor of communication at the University of Houston-Victoria who writes about evangelical mass media.

Why does Joel Osteen make so much money? ›

Joel Osteen became wealthy after writing 15 books, including many bestsellers. He earns his income from book royalties and speaking engagements.


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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.