Poisoned | Viper - Chapter 39 - snootka (2024)

Chapter Text

Sabine came back to the balcony after maybe a minute. She was holding a cotton swab in her hand, probably soaked in alcohol or some other disinfectant that Reyna insisted she didn't need.

That's mainly why she stepped out onto the balcony before Viper had time to chase her into the bathroom. Well... apparently Viper was too stubborn.

“Give me your hand,” she instructed.

Reyna couldn't guess or assume what Viper might have had in her mind at that moment. What she was thinking about her, about the whole situation she had witnessed. They were deadly silent from the moment the front door of the headquarters closed behind them, leaving both Sage and the echo of their own footsteps behind, and Zyanya somehow didn't have the courage to start any topic.

Therefore, she did not take her eyes off the view in front of her and only corrected the position of her elbows on the metal railing, as if to show that she was not going to move. There was indeed dried blood on her hand, the skin was unpleasantly tightened by clots.

She glanced at it discreetly, but enough for Viper to notice.

“Give me your hand,” Sabine repeated. Her tone was no different from her previous command, and Reyna still did not look at her. Or rather, she tried so hard to do so that she pressed her lips together, because, after all, Viper was standing right next to her. “Zyanya.”

Zyanya let her lip fall from between her teeth and turned away with a sigh. She probably sighed to herself that she didn't know how to ignore Viper as well as she used to. Or it was Viper who had become better at preventing being ignored, which was also a possibility.

She had no idea what to think. She wasn't mad at herself, she had no remorse, and even her sore hand didn't bother her, yet she felt this strange sense of tension in her chest, an awareness that something was hanging in the air that either she or Viper couldn't tell. She knew neither what Viper was thinking, nor what she herself was thinking.


She held out her hand to Viper. She caught herself running somewhere with her eyes when Sabine clicked her tongue. Reyna also now didn't know whether it was a reaction to her behavior or to the sight of her injured hands, but she didn't dare try to find out either.

“So... what was it?”

Reyna should have expected her to ask that. In fact, she even expected it, and still didn't feel any better with that knowledge.

She also found out that she was getting worse and worse when Viper demanded answers so intensely and directly, and Zyanya avoided her gaze so often that she didn't even know anymore whether it was out of shame or because when Sabine looked at her, Reyna was convinced that she had x-rayed her to the marrow of her bones.

Viper's words were carried away somewhere by the wind. She took Reyna's hand and began to gently rub off the dried blood with the cotton swab. It was stinging, but only a little, and Zyanya was able to bear it without comment as long as the chemist's green eyes were preoccupied more with her hand than her face.

She knew that she could not remain silent indefinitely. Although, on the other hand, she didn't want to speak at all, because she felt she would have to admit something she didn't understand herself.

“She started it.”

Spoken out loud, it sounded even worse than in her head. Perhaps she should be ashamed of herself for that, if it weren't for the fact that those were the only words that came to mind and were relatively... harmless. She felt her hands clench into fists, but Sabine continued to wash her skin.

“That's a very adult explanation,” muttered Viper. Reyna felt minimally relieved that instead of reproach, Callas' voice echoed with amusem*nt at her words, even if perhaps it was only momentary. “But I can honestly say that it doesn't explain much,” she said.

She was right, and that was the worst part of it all. Not that Reyna expected the topic to go unnoticed, she just wasn't ready for an answer. Not now, when it was so peaceful around them, the wind was playing with their hair, the sound of the ocean was singing somewhere over the horizon, and Viper was holding her hand as gently as probably no one had before.

Because Viper wasn't afraid of her.

Reyna let the air out through her nose. Suddenly she craved a cigarette like she'd never had before, even though she'd barely had it a few minutes ago.

“Sage knows,” she finally said, probably on one exhale, which she unconsciously held back. The cotton swab hovered motionless over her hand, but Sabine didn't raise her eyes. “About you and what... you discovered.”

The amusem*nt disappeared from Sabine's face as quickly as it had appeared there. It was not replaced by anger, however, but by seriousness. Maybe even acceptance, which Reyna endured probably worse than if Viper were to get mad. She didn't even ask. She didn't ask why, from where, she didn't say anything.

She simply accepted the information.

And getting angry was more natural.

Sabine, however, remained silent, responding with nothing more than a nod. But Reyna saw her clench her fingers tighter on the cotton swab, and unconsciously hug her wrist tighter with her other hand.

“That would make sense.”

Reyna didn't even let her finish her thoughts. She probably wouldn't be able to listen to it, the way Viper just accepts more facts and doesn't even argue. She still remembered the fury that coursed through her veins like boiling lava as soon as Sage spit out that one disgusting sentence.

“She said you deserved it,” she threw out.

Viper tucked the swab into her pocket, not bothering to go back inside the quarters. Her gaze, however, did not leave Reyna's face, even when the latter sighed heavily, as if she regretted having spoken at all.

Viper straightened up. Her eyebrows furrowed, but only for a moment before she lifted them up. There was no longer tension on her face, but rather... gentleness. But also curiosity.

“Is that why you attacked her?”

The echo of her voice cut through the chirping of crickets.

Reyna felt that her own fang was hurting her lip by biting it so hard, and only when she felt a sharper pain did she let go.

She involuntarily looked at her hand. It didn't look bad once it was cleaned, the scratches were only superficial.

She turned her front to the balcony door and leaned her loins against the railing.

“And what was I supposed to do?” she asked. Viper's gaze was fixed on her figure, so she fled her own somewhere to the wall. “It was revenge,” she admitted. “She took revenge for something she didn't know sh*t about, and now she's wriggling out of her own mistakes and hoping that everyone will fall to their knees before her just because she can resurrect people,” she expelled on one exhale, swallowing the bitter taste of anger. “She had no right to say that about you, that’s all.”

Reyna shrugged her shoulders. As if it was trivial. As if it was the simplest and most logical explanation there was.

For Viper, it apparently was not. Viper stared at her with wide-open eyes, putting all these sentences together in her head like a puzzle, and when she reached the last one, she almost squirmed under the force of the words.

She pressed her lips together.

Then she bit her lip.

She even wanted to put her arms around herself, but decided that would betray her uncertainty. She felt she had to change the subject or her own thoughts would kill her.

Reyna defended her.

“Does it hurt?”

Zyanya blinked, as if snapped out of a trance. She looked at her hand, but immediately lowered it. Unlike Sabine, she wasn't prepared for such a change of subject, but she didn't drag it out any further.

“It's fine, don't worry,” she replied softly. Her lips, however, were still tightened, anger seemed to lurk inside her, although she tried to tame it. She intertwined her arms across her chest. “Would you like a cig?”

Viper nodded. She was glad she didn't have to say a word when Reyna pulled a pack of cigarettes from her pocket and extended it toward her. With a lighter she hadn't had time to use before, she lit the end of hers and then Reyna's, who inhaled the smoke as if nicotine hunger had been eating her up from the inside for a few hours, not a dozen minutes.

Viper tried not to look at her. But she was doing it anyway. Maybe it was to try to find in her posture, maybe her gestures, the answer to the question she hadn't asked.

Maybe she was afraid that the answer would affect her too much, but at the same time, whenever it flowed onto her tongue, the harder it was to swallow.

Viper walked over to the railing and rested her elbows on it as Reyna had done earlier. In this way she avoided her gaze, which quite suited her, and blew the smoke straight into the darkness of the evening.

She didn't know that Reyna was holding back from looking at her, if only for the way the lit cigarette gently illuminated her face.

Viper liked the silence. She valued it in her life and elsewhere, but now it seemed to get under her skin. She liked silence, yet with each puff of smoke she blew out, she had less and less control.

Finally, she couldn't stand it.

“Why did you stand up for me?”

The question was carried away by the wind. For a long moment, Sabine thought it would stay that way. Out of the corner of her eye, however, she saw Zyanya shake the ash into an ashtray attached to the railing, and her eyebrows were drawn together.

“Because someone has to react to such things,” she replied. “I think that's obvious.”

“And that's why you started choking her?”

Reyna inhaled a puff of smoke. Viper had the impression that she did it a little more nervously. Their auras contrasted with each other, and it was the first time in such an arrangement.

Usually it was Reyna who endured Viper's reluctance to answer.

“I got a little carried away, that's all.”

She shrugged her shoulders. Viper turned her head, accepting the statement with a single hum.

“And this is obvious to you?”

Reyna sighed. The tension that had been on her face now only grew stronger. Sabine knew, however, that it was not directed at her. And that was probably what she was most curious about. And at the same time, it was what she most wanted to understand.

“I didn't plan this,” she said.

“You've never done something like that before.”

Reyna blew out the smoke one last time before extinguishing the cigarette in the ashtray. Viper furrowed her brow as it was only half-burnt, but she still nonchalantly held hers between two fingers, pretending she didn't see it at all.

Nor how Reyna stood next to her, apparently demanding eye contact. She seemed so frustrated by her questions that Sabine decided to turn around and rest her forearms on the railing just because Reyna had never wasted cigarettes before.

“I'm just saying.” This time it was Viper who shrugged her shoulders. She faced Reyna's figure, drawing another inhale of nicotine. “Sage got under your skin, but-...”

Reyna had had enough.

She stepped closer, snatched the smoldering cigarette from Viper's hand and, with a flick of her wrist, pressed it into the ashtray, finishing it off.

But before Viper had time to react and the indignation on her face had time to turn into a verbal reprimand, Reyna caught her face in both hands and pressed her lips to hers.

This was not expected.

Reyna held her face tightly, Viper felt her fingertips pushing against her cheeks and the warmth of her body emanating straight to her by how suddenly she was so close.

She responded to the kiss. But she had to deploy quickly, she had to pick up the pace when Reyna wanted fast, hard, when she probably wanted to take every breath from her, and hell knows when she was almost panting into her mouth when just seconds before they were just talking.

Maybe Reyna just wanted to silence her. Maybe she wanted to silence herself. Maybe she just felt like doing it now and just stop thinking, the way Viper once put it into words.

Viper didn't know that, but she knew it didn't bother her. The lack of an answer to her question was now pushed somewhere to the back of her mind, and she wanted it to stay that way.

Finding support in Zyanya's shoulder, she hooked her fingers there. In return, she let Reyna grab her waist and pull her close with a hum of satisfaction from her.

They kissed for a long time, and Viper... Viper never ceased to be fascinated by the fierceness with which Reyna did it. With which her hands held her sides, as if she never wanted to let them go again. With which she bit her lip, as if she knew perfectly well that Viper liked it, with which her breath tickled her nose and cheeks, pulling a few individual hairs up.

Even the railing poking lightly into her back stopped bothering her. Her hands moved higher and higher up Zyanya's neck.

She knew it would work.

And it worked.

Reyna pulled away from her lips only to gasp.

So Viper combed her hand through her hair once more, and then once more just for the heat that momentarily appeared in the vampire's eyes as soon as she dared to grab the dark hair a little tighter.

“Can we...”

Reyna swallowed her saliva. The thought escaped her, the words refused to form a sentence. All she could do was pull at Sabine's clothes in a silent plea.

Sabine looked in that direction. Zyanya's knuckles whitened in the grip in which she held the material of her shirt. There was something fascinating about that, too. Something that made her own throat dry.

“Yes,” Viper replied. Reyna's gaze jumped all over her face, as if waiting to see if she would change her mind. She wasn't going to. “Come on.”

The balcony door slammed a short time later.

Viper brought their lips together in a kiss, the force of the gesture forcing Reyna to go back a few steps. She swallowed a groan in her throat as Callas bit her lip and teased her fang with her tongue without a hint of hesitation.

Zyanya framed the chemist's hips in her hands. So that she wouldn't fall and fall to pieces so easily because of Viper's learning all her weaknesses and exploiting it so f*cking well.

Reyna didn't even realize how tightly she was holding her.

Nor of the fact that she unknowingly crossed the room backwards, trying to respond to every kiss Sabine gave her.

She had no idea where to put her hands, she felt them itching to be everywhere at once, to hold those hips, but at the same time to mark Viper with her nails on her waist, to grab Sabine's wrists and thus tell her not to stop playing with her hair, because it was driving her insane.

Sabine's hand pressed against her sternum. She didn't understand what it meant until the back of her knees collided with the edge of the bed.

She obeyed without protest. Actually she couldn’t even protest. Not when she had her body under her fingers, her mind even boiling with emotion, and Viper kissing so well that all the stubbornness of someone like Reyna fell down like a house of cards.

She had no idea why they were doing it. And when the idea of this kiss was even born in her head instead of even the most trivial answer.

Maybe she wanted it to be that very answer?

Viper immediately straddled her thighs. She didn't want to wait until they moved deeper into the bed, it didn't matter. Reyna obeyed again, because again she couldn't say no, so her back collided with the mattress, the bedclothes almost pulled her in.

The mattress was soft, but the Viper under her fingers even more so. Her skin was melting underneath them, so Reyna wanted harder, more, wanted to hook her nails into it and pull her close before Viper disappeared or before she started asking and Reyna would never get rid of the fire that was eating her from the inside again.


Sabine barely hooked a finger around the edge of Zyanya's sweatshirt, but it was enough. She propped herself up on her elbows and slipped out of the garment, as if she could no longer tolerate the feel of the material on her skin, with every single fiber irritating her and prying at her like a stubborn splinter.

Thrown into a corner, the sweatshirt banged lightly against the floor. The lighter rolled out of its pocket, and although Reyna had completely forgotten about it and didn't intend to think about it at all, Sabine looked in that direction with fascination for a moment. She muttered something to herself in satisfaction, her hands spontaneously settled on Reyna's abs, and only then did she tear her gaze away from the discarded garment.

Purple glowed in her eyes, her chest rising and falling rapidly under her hands. Perhaps if Sabine had looked more closely, if she had squinted her eyelids or tilted her head she would have seen the desperation that Reyna still hadn't learned to contain.

Sabine smiled to herself. Reyna. That Reyna. That deadly, effective, inevitable on the battlefield, invincible. And now her ribs drew in rapid breaths as soon as Viper's hand slid over her hot skin, Reyna’s nails teased her thighs in silent supplication, and her fangs, instead of bring chaos, gnawed on her lower lip in anticipation as her lungs filled with heat.

Viper clicked her tongue.

She leaned over Reyna, faced her with feverish eyes, rested her hand right next to her head.

She could kiss her. She felt that Reyna, though trying to control it, was almost dying to do it.

And Viper just... extended her other hand. She rested her thumb on Zyanya's lower lip and her gaze, for that one moment, focused right there as she pushed against it. She released her lip from behind her fang with a quiet gasp from Zyanya.

Reyna caught herself closing her eyelids. Her heart pounded in her chest, a steady screech slowly began to form in her ears, so intoxicating and addictive that for a few seconds she thought maybe she had just gotten drunk and it was all some damn dream.

“You're going to hurt yourself,” Viper's whisper reached her in waves of chills. Every muscle was burning her. Every tendon the fire swallowed whole, yet Sabine did not take her thumb away from her mouth with her gaze stubbornly focused right there. “They're sharp.”

Reyna swallowed her saliva. Probably she had any idea until now how dry her throat was. She could only dig her nails into the underside of Callas' thighs, forbidding her to move away. She couldn't move away. Not now. Not now, when her hair was tickling Reyna's heated cheek and she was staring at her with the same spark as usual in her green cat eyes.

“Just f*cking kiss me already,” she croaked out. “Please.”

Sabine glanced fleetingly at Reyna's fingers clenched on her thighs. The material around them was taut, and Zyanya's knuckles whitened from the grip. The tendons of her wrist twitched under the tattoo in a silent dance.

But Viper didn't know that she was the one pulling the strings. Probably.

Zyanya almost sank into the mattress when Sabine complied with her request.

Viper was never a calm lover. She never held back with her kisses, was never afraid to bite, her every touch was wild and almost unnaturally contrasted with how composed she was. Sabine Callas was as addictive as a drug whenever she was within reach of Reyna's hand, and their breaths mingled together in the bedroom of Valorant headquarters.

And that's why Zyanya grew increasingly impatient. She responded to another kiss, her heart flashing warningly in her chest, but Viper seemed to either not notice or ignore it. Her cold hands moved over Mondragón's ribs, forcing her to suck in air, to jerk away once or twice more, urgently pulling at Viper's shirt, which, unbeknownst to her, she had captured in her fist.

It was as if it was Viper who was feeding off that ferocity that had been sitting inside Reyna for so long.

And Viper... she wanted to tease a little. To say that she wouldn't take off her shirt, that she wanted to stay that way, even though that wasn't the case at all. But maybe... maybe she wanted to see what would happen next, if those tight strings that guided Reyna would finally let go. Her claws would be able to touch her skin without limits, she would be able to grab the way she wanted and touch the way she wanted. She longed... to know if those hungry stares were just appearances.

Viper pulled back. Her hair was tousled, her chest heaved irregularly, and her lips glistened in that twilight illuminated only by the light of her radianite heart so that Reyna had to swallow a growl in her throat.


With a jerk she got out of her clothes. Zyanya didn't even look at where it landed. Her hands immediately embraced Viper's sides, her thumbs exploring the skin on her belly, tensing and sucking in every breath. Not a twitch of muscle escaped the vampire's eyes. Absolutely none.

She swallowed the words that pressed against her lips. She knew she had to. Her gaze couldn't focus on anything in particular; it jumped from one scar to another, glided across her abdomen, then her sternum.

She could even see the marked edges of her bra above her ribs as her underwear slid higher under the movement.

She was so focused that she barely registered when Viper started tugging at the zipper of her pants. She wanted to help her, lift her hips, even let her move away just to do that.

But that's when she came across Viper's thigh between her legs, which she hadn't expected one bit.

And it was probably there by accident.

But her hips jerked as she hissed.

She cursed herself for doing it so loudly.

And for the fact that her damp underwear didn't leave much of an illusion.


Did she say that out loud?

Viper paused with her hand on the zipper of her pants. And Reyna felt her gaze on her for that one moment, so much so that on the one hand she felt like hiding from it, and on the other hand she realized that if Viper didn't do something... then Reyna would probably go crazy.

“Sabine...” she croaked out. She herself didn't know what she wanted to say. Call her out? Ask her to f*cking move back that thigh, to get rid of the friction just where she needed it and avoid the humiliation that had just begun to creep under her skin? “I-...”

“Take it off. Now.”

Zyanya felt like the blood from her entire body had gone to her head like too much and too sudden a dose of alcohol. A fire ignited in Viper's eyes, but she knew she couldn't look at it for too long if she didn't want to lose her mind, so she swallowed her saliva and took off her pants in a few not-so-slick movements, digging them out later somewhere in a corner.

She didn't even catch that Viper had done the same. But she had to swallow the growl in her throat when, finally - finally - there was no boundary between her hand and Sabine's skin.

She realized that everything was bothering her. Her bra was bothering her, she felt she was too hot, even though she was almost naked after all, and when Sabine leaned over her, Zyanya had a feeling that nothing irritated her more than the chemist's underwear at that moment.

She wanted to see her naked. She wanted to feel her naked.

God, she must have been drunk.

“Move over.”

She blinked in surprise. With a movement of her chin, Sabine pointed to the far side of the bed.

She wasn't going to deny it. She supported herself on her elbows and slid closer to the pillow. At one point she took off her bra, and perhaps she wouldn't have remembered it if not for the fact that Sabine's gaze scanned her body for a long moment before she did anything else.

Reyna was strong. Her body had to be reliable to survive, she had to trust herself, that physicality that made her the perfect duelist. The radianite heart pumped blood through all her veins, filling her steel muscles with energy, which now seemed to tremble under Sabine's fingertips so satisfyingly that Callas wanted to imprint the moment in her memory, like an engraving on a ring.

She savored the way Reyna sucked in air as the touch didn't so much tickle as burn. She stared at her face, as if she longed to intoxicate herself with those reddened cheeks that matched the misty purple eyes and completed the picture of desire that Reyna no longer even tried to hide.

She was impatient. Her heels were wriggling into the bedclothes, as if she wanted to kick them off or throw them off the bed because they disturbed her. Her hand tightened on Sabine's waist, slipped a finger under the edge of her bra and pulled her close, not even twitching when the chemist's hand was again suddenly next to her head for balance.

She stretched out her neck to kiss her, to feel something that would ground her and make sure she wasn't floating in the air at all, damn hot and suffocating. She tugged at Sabine's bra.

The material did not let go. But after all, she didn't want to destroy it. She had to restrain herself.

“Try again.”

God. sh*t.

The crack of the breaking clasps echoed. She didn't even know they would break so easily and bounce off somewhere to the side only to tumble to the floor and end up under a bed somewhere.

Viper muttered something to herself. The bra strap fell off her shoulder and dangled loosely against her skin, but it must have started to bother her, because she threw the ruined garment off her shoulders, well aware that Reyna wasn't taking her eyes off her.

She didn't kiss her. Well, not on the lips. Sabine's lips were immediately pressed gently against Zyanya's neck, so gently and irritatingly inadequate that she felt like pressing her hand against the back of Sabine's head in a silent gesture of urging.

She let the air out through her nose, enduring the faint kiss with the dying remnants of patience. Her legs glided across the bedclothes, looking for something to grab onto so she could stop feeling so unstable, trembling and absolutely, damn hot.

Viper felt that frantic pulse under her lips, a working artery, restless under her touch. Almost as irrepressible as Reyna herself. Wild, deadly Reyna, squirming in place under the touch of her hand, as if it was steaming her, and at the same time that burning pain gave her that primitive pleasure.

Another gentle kiss. Too gentle.

Zyanya gasped in frustration. Her mind was clouded with fog, she felt like she was either drowning or had already drowned, all sobriety had escaped through the open window and so before she had time to think, she opened her mouth.

“Bite me.”

Viper hovered over her neck at the same second. Her breath blew over the damp spot from the kiss, spreading chills along her spine.


Her voice was low. Viper muttered the question, perhaps not even realizing that she didn't sound any less ruined than Reyna. Reyna, who took a few deeper breaths and dropped her forearm over her eyes, as if that would help her focus.

Viper's breasts were touching her own, her belly was perfectly above hers and Zyanya could feel every single unit of heat emanating from her body and hitting Reyna right in the head.

“f*cking bite me,” she repeated.

The curse came out of her mouth on its own, because somehow she couldn't help herself.

“What if-”

“I don't give a sh*t,” interrupted Zyanya, swallowing her saliva. “I'll cover it up.”

And just like that, a sharp pain appeared just below her collarbone. She arched her neck, perhaps unconsciously trying to give Viper more room, perhaps trying to show her that she liked it more than she should, unconsciously weaving her fingers into her short hair.

For a moment, she thought she was going to faint. That Viper, along with her skin, had also sucked out her soul and Reyna would never again return to where she was before.

She mumbled something weakly when Sabine kissed the fresh hickey, as if to soothe her burning skin. Or Zyanya herself. Or both. Her fingers laboriously combed through the black strands, almost semi-consciously, and she was sure that when she stopped feeling them under her fingers, it was a matter of chance.

But then she felt Viper's lips on her sternum. And then on her ribs, where her nails were drawing unfamiliar patterns. And then Reyna dared to lift her head minimally, because she probably needed some explanation.

Something on Viper's face that would explain why she was so intent on pushing her body to the brink. Why she savored every electric pulse it sent straight to her brain.

Why she hummed quietly when Reyna didn't stop her legs from twitching as the realization hit her head like a several-ton truck, feeling Viper kiss her navel.


Sabine patted her thigh. And Reyna gasped in disbelief, suppressing the curse in her throat, and obediently lifted her hips before she had time to think anything through.

For example, the fact that she was now the one avoiding the conversation this time, that she resolved it in that most primitive way of theirs, and that Viper didn't say a word of protest, so she told herself it was okay.

And the fact that she wasn't able to tell her honestly why she stood up for her, because she was a damn coward.

Nor was she able to look her in the eye when Sabine slipped her underwear off one leg with a single finger.

And she didn't care at all that by doing so, Reyna's panties dangled awkwardly from her other ankle, tangling somewhere in the bedclothes.

Viper embraced her thighs, partially taking their weight on her shoulders. Her fingers delved into the soft skin significantly, enough to make Reyna even more acutely aware of what was happening.

She was. Oh, she was.

She reached one hand behind her head only to grab the edge of the pillow and clamp her hand on it.

And with the other, she immediately wove it into Viper's black hair as she moved the entire length of her tongue laboriously between her labia.

Exploring. Teasingly. Almost languidly.

Reyna sank into the mattress, the muscles of her thighs tightened so much that they even hurt, and she reflexively grabbed the strands of hair a little tighter.

Viper murmured something in response. Zyanya felt the purr with every inch of her body, it spread over her skin in waves so that she hissed under her breath, as if trying to prepare herself for the fact that in a moment it would reach her head and leave nothing but emptiness, a monotonous screech that came so often that Reyna should be used to it by now, and yet she was still addicted to it.

Sabine hooked her tongue over her cl*t. Once, then a second time. Then she picked up the pace, still muttering something from time to time in her own way, interrupting this evening orchestra of rapid breaths, noises from the sheets and... obscenely downright wet noises, which, if Reyna hadn't been so stupefied, she might even have been ashamed of.

She didn't have a head for it now. She involuntarily massaged Viper's scalp, unconsciously brushing away the strands of hair that fell onto her forehead. Unconsciously, because she felt that if she raised her head even for a second, the sight would probably kill her.

She felt a familiar tension begin to build in her lower abdomen. Her hips moved in their own rhythm from time to time, when she just couldn't stop it.

She felt her cheeks flush red, her blush spilling down to her cleavage. Even her own radianite heart almost sparkled purple as she chased that relief, tugging at the pillow material with her fingernails.

f*ck, Sabine-...

She had no idea she was even capable of such whining.

Neither she, nor Viper.

Viper's fingers clenched tighter on her thighs, probably leaving nail marks there, which Reyna didn't even feel.

Instead, she felt Sabine's hair slip from between her fingers, and she couldn't catch it, because her hands suddenly didn't belong to her, she couldn't coordinate them properly to do it with her eyes closed as before.

And that's why she raised her head. She thought it would only be for a moment, that she would prop herself up on her elbow barely for a second or two and then immediately fall back onto that hot bedding.

But then Sabine looked at her in that one way.

From between her legs, with a few strands of hair tickling her face, her chin glistening from Reyna's wetness in that pink radianite light, her cat eyes blushed wildly.

God. f*ck.

Reyna pushed the hair away from her face once more, with a hand almost trembling, as if she wanted to urge it to make it faster, so she could feel her more.

She felt her panties tickle her ankle. She felt the heat of the bedding, of this room. She felt her heart in her chest, every vein in her body, the muscles in her abdomen that tightened warningly.

And Sabine's warm, wet tongue on her cl*t, which she sucked on a moment later.

“I think... I... f*ck-...”

She didn't even know why she wanted to say it. Why she thought Sabine should know or why she failed to keep the thought to herself.

She had always been quiet. Because that was the deal. This was how she was supposed to present herself, and now somehow... she needed to say anything, maybe it was to relieve her, or maybe she just wanted to show Sabine that it didn't always have to be this way. That their arrangement can be broken. That there are only the two of them, and what happens behind the door, behind the door forever stays.

She felt like her brain was just a shapeless blur of loosely scattered thoughts unable to produce anything concrete as she jerked her hips to match Viper's rhythm.

She wandered her fingers through her hair, as if to hold her there, to make sure she wouldn't melt into the air that second and Reyna would be left with nothing but silence. She didn't care if she sounded desperate, or if Viper would get indignant about the fact that she wasn't able to be quiet the way she usually was, and the bedroom was no longer completely immersed in silence.

“Yes, yes, just like that... just-... f*ck, come on, come on-...

Her org*sm came suddenly. All of her feverish, agitated mumbling was cut off in that very second, when her body tensed up, her spine arched off the mattress, and all she could do was let out a breathless, drawn-out whine from her throat and collapse inertly onto the mattress.

Viper, however, did not stop immediately. For a few more moments she laboriously moved her tongue over her overstimulated cl*t, as if the thighs twitching around her head were unimpressive because she still held them tightly enough.

She pulled away only when Reyna's hand pressed against her head in a silent gesture of submission.

Viper propped herself up on her elbow and wiped her mouth with the top of her hand, silently watching Zyanya take another raspy breath, her body still shaken from time to time by minimal tremors, and her fingers clenched on the pillow slowly loosening their grip.

She rested her cheek against the inside of her thigh. She felt one of the muscles continue to tremble at its own pace, tickling her skin.

“Okay,” gasped Reyna, swallowing her saliva immediately afterwards. Viper only muttered something into the warmth of her thigh. “My f*cking turn.”

“Bold,” commented Viper, almost amused by the words.

She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, her heated cheek teasing Mondragón's sensitive thigh, as if she wanted to play with it a while longer. With the fact that she was just so sated, flushed and ruined, she felt every touch twice as much now and was hypersensitive to it, even if Reyna Mondragón seemed indestructible.

Reyna raised her eyes at her.

Viper had never been afraid of her ferocity. She liked her in a mesmerizing sort of way.

“Come here.”

She furrowed her brow, as if unsure how she should respond. She moved her cheek up along Reyna's thigh to her knee, before moving away completely and placing her hand on the same knee.


“Up here.”

Viper laughed briefly. Reyna pointing at her own face wasn’t something she expected.

“You don't look like you have the strength for it.”

Reyna wasn't going to make much of a plea for herself. She felt like telling Viper that she underestimated her.

Not her, nor how much she wanted to sink her hands into those soft thighs once again.

“First of all, f*ck you,” she huffed. Viper mumbled something in response, apparently not too concerned about it, more amused. “And second, I said something.”

Sabine looked in the direction where Reyna's hand had embraced her side.

“Don't boss me around,” she instructed, nevertheless leading her gaze to where Reyna's nails slid across her ribs.

Without a shadow of shame, she embraced her breast.

“I won't when you will f*cking come here.”

Viper raised an eyebrow. She wanted to ask if Reyna was desperate. Maybe tease a little or drag out the subject and see what she would do. After all, she could and there was nothing stopping her.

But she had a better idea.

She didn't respond with anything specific, at least not in words. Instead, she stepped back a bit, laboriously removing her lower underwear. Not that she actually couldn't do it quickly. In fact, that was the best thing about it, that she could do it quickly and efficiently... but she didn't want to.

“Are you having fun?” growled Zyanya. Viper felt her gaze on her perfectly, the same one that reminded her of the gaze of a hungry animal. So... she was desperate. “Hurry up, damn it.”

“Impatient,” she commented wistfully, with a shadow of a smile that she somehow couldn't contain.

But she finally shed her panties under Zyanya's watchful eye and climbed onto her stomach.

Zyanya, in turn, didn't wait too long to grab her thighs. Her hands glided over the soft skin as if drawing some life energy from it, hooked her nails as she sucked in a breath and suggestively pushed against their underside, trying to ignore the fact that the wetness that Viper left almost immediately on her abs seemed to have completely taken away her ability to think soberly.


Reyna almost didn't recognize her own voice. Viper didn't comment on her hoarseness or how she pulled her up to arrange it the way she wanted, even when she complied with the command.

Viper rested her hand on the headrest of the bed, tightened her fingers on it and, with furrowed brows, endured the purr of satisfaction with which Reyna graced her, once she had attached her lips to the inside of her thigh.

She seemed all too delighted with her position, muttering something in her own way and gliding her tongue over the warm skin, as if she wanted to lick off something that would finally satiate her, as if the taste of that skin was what she had been starving for until now.

Viper hung her head. Maybe she wanted to look at her. To control what was happening, how her eyes glinted in that twilight, how the sharp edge of the fang scratched her thigh with an invisible mark, and how she precisely avoided what, after all, Reyna had wanted to do so badly just a moment ago.

Viper hissed as a sharp pain pierced her thigh and reflexively wove her fingers into the vampire’s hair scattered on the pillow. She knew it would work. It always worked. Reyna growled under her breath, but let Sabine push her head away, even if she was pleased with the effect.

She didn't even have time to soothe the pain from the hickey with her tongue when she faced the jade green.


Sabine's blush spilled over her collarbones, her hair was like a dark curtain as she leaned over her and managed to rebuke her in this... curious position. Those minimal twitches of her hips betrayed her, and although she tried to pretend it wasn't like that at all, Reyna noticed it all.

So did the fact that the last time Viper seemed to fight with the urge to murder at the thought that Reyna might leave any marks.

“Oh, I will,” she muttered. Unwittingly, the corner of her mouth lifted victoriously.

She wasn't lying. Reyna intended to behave well. So well, in fact, that she swore to herself that Sabine would forget any questions she had about her earlier.

Viper let go of her hair, taking in this information. She leaned her palms against the headrest, not even realizing how tightly she was holding it.

The mattress creaked as Sabine's knees involuntarily bent, and she sucked in air, realizing she had to catch her balance.

Reyna thought otherwise. Her hands held Sabine's hips where she wanted them to be just when she finally - finally - reached her cl*t with her tongue.

She caught Viper's gaze from above. And she had a feeling she got even hungrier from the mere sight.

Viper could play so tough. She could order Reyna around, she could pretend it didn't bother her. However... yet now her wetness was almost running down Reyna's chin, and she rested her heated forehead against the wall, trying to stifle violent gasps. Her eyes were closed, tightly, stubbornly, but that fog was in them.

Because Sabine, being honest... she had no idea what Reyna was doing between her legs, but whatever it was... she was damn good at it. Along with those eager fangs of hers that she could still feel on her hickey-marked thigh, those nails digging into her hips, and that f*cking tongue that she unconsciously started chasing, not long after it was on her at all.

“You don't have to hold back, you know that.”

Viper reflexively jerked her hips, feeling the edge of the fang on her thigh again for a second. This time on the other one.

“F-f*ck you-...”

Her breath bounced off the wall and hit her right in the face. She didn't even know she was feeling this hot so far.

Instead, she knew that Reyna had seen through her. That she saw her lips tighten, her hips move with the help of her hands. That she may have seen her swallow her saliva helplessly along with all the sounds that were dying in the pit of her throat.

Yet she was only able to say just that.

Until Reyna's tongue returned to its place.

She gasped. She involuntarily wanted to fall back, but Zyanya held tight.

Sabine felt her hands go numb on the headrest, a screech began to appear in her head, and until Reyna purred, she didn't even realize that she had accelerated the movements of her hips, blindly pursuing relief.

She grabbed her by the hair, perhaps hoping this would keep her whole. Anything to occupy her hands, to start feeling it between her fingers, mindlessly combing through it, anything to distract her own attention from how thin the rope that held her was.

Reyna did everything to break it.

Oh, really everything.

She put her feet up on the mattress for stability, embraced Viper's cl*t with her lips and sucked.



For a split second, Zyanya thought it was over.

That Viper would disappear behind the door again within a minute, and that the memory of that sound would once again be left only between the walls, as if it had faded ages ago.

But Viper did not move from her seat. She only clenched her fist in her hair.

“Do it again.”

The request gasped out in the pause between the movements of her hips was too eloquent for Reyna not to listen.

Her nails slid across her scalp.


She did it harder.

Viper's pulse quickened in her ears to the pace of a familiar chase. She hugged her thighs tighter, but giving full freedom to her hips, which were already slowly beginning to lose their rhythm.

It was intermittent, unstable, and the jerks became more and more chaotic until Viper’s hips twitched one last time and her thigh muscles tightened under Reyna's hands.

Viper's moan hit her right in the spine.

And although she muffled it a second later by gnashing her teeth on her own knuckles, Reyna knew she wouldn't let it die in her memory for a very long time.

Not that, nor her still twitching hips, her hair falling across her forehead in unkempt strands that she clumsily tried to chase away.

“Not a word,” she mouthed straight into the wall, as if she wasn't ready to face Reyna's gaze.

Her thumb wandered somewhere on Viper's buttock, involuntarily stroking the skin there. Maybe she wanted to soothe her. Maybe she wanted to show her that they were still both here and neither of them had disappeared.

Or maybe she just felt it was the right thing to do.

And she actually didn’t say a word.


“So... what was it?”

Viper left the bathroom door ajar to let the warm steam seep into the bedroom. She raised her gaze to Reyna, who had been lying on her bed on her stomach and browsing something on her phone for the past ten minutes.

Reluctantly, she peeled her gaze away from the screen, but Viper immediately linked their gazes, taking to wiping her hair with a towel.

Not that Reyna was disappointed... but if she was going to be honest, she hoped that the subject of their previous conversation had long since flown out the window and wouldn't return for at least some time.

But Sabine was vindictive.

She shrugged her shoulders. Maybe she hoped that with this gesture she would convince herself that she actually had an idea how to conduct the conversation in such a way that Viper would stop asking.

She put the phone down next to her and put her hands under her chin

“I already told you,” she stated seemingly out of breath. “She said one word too many.”

Sabine didn't seem satisfied with that answer. Instead of acceptance, on her face Reyna still saw that unchanging curiosity, even though it was almost the middle of the night.

“So... you think she deserved it?”

Zyanya raised an eyebrow.

“And you don't?”

Sabine wiped her hands in the fabric of her T-shirt, worn as pajamas, moments before hanging the towel over the back of a chair.

“I'm asking you.”

Zyanya got the impression that Viper looked at her phone on the desk just to avoid looking at her. She swiped her finger across the screen, and even though she was standing facing the bed, Reyna felt it was just a game of appearances anyway.

“A lesson will come in handy for her,” she finally admitted. Viper's fleeting glance did not escape her attention. But she wasn't going to hide from it at all. “Maybe next time she'll think twice before saying something just when she should shut up.”

Sabine nodded. That was supposed to be enough for Reyna, and in theory it was... in practice, however, she felt a certain malaise, although she couldn't pinpoint where it came from.

She moved her finger across the screen once more.

Reyna dimly saw the hickey that adorned her thigh, standing out on her pale skin even in this darkness.

Sabine's face was illuminated by the blue light. Only for a moment, because then she locked the screen and put the phone back on the desk, reading a text message.

“There's a meeting tomorrow morning. Do you know anything about it?”

Reyna put down her phone as well, out of the corner of her eye just watching Viper walk between more pieces of their closet, still lying on the floor.


“Do you think it's because of Sage?”

“I don't think so. She'd be taking too much of a risk if she even tried to speak up. She's not stupid.”

Viper muttered something to herself. She seemed satisfied with this explanation. She moved the quilt away from one side of the bed and patted Reyna's shoulder.

“Move over.”

Reyna again simply obeyed. This time they both slept through the night.

Poisoned | Viper - Chapter 39 - snootka (2024)


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.