AURORA divides continuous text entry into FIX and STREAM mode. Line commands cannot be used in these two entry modes.
A control is an instruction to format text. Enter them on separate lines, flush left. All control instructions begin with a dot.
A document is a text with control instructions, model calls, and/ or typographic instructions. Documents are assigned to groups.
Enter FIX mode by means of the line command .FIX or by entering F in the line edit margin. This mode is useful for entering text that is long or of undetermined length. InFIX mode you can use control instructions for formatting text. You must press the return key to start a new line. After you press ENTER, the text remains exactly as you entered it. After either of the control instructions .STR or .STF and ENTER, AURORA switches to STREAM mode.
A section is divided into groups. Each group contains documents. Sections and groups are coded this way: W700 10I. The W700 represents ODO, the 10 represents the component and the I represents the Work Queue.
Head commands control the AURORA session or affect the contents or presentation of a document.
There are two help commands, passive help and active help . The passive help is either a head command or a line command while the active help is a head command or a control instruction. The PF10 key is used to leave the passive help.
The passive help consists of windows with explanations of AURORA functions. The active help will help generate head commands and help with control instructions.
A line in the raw text of a document can contain any of the following: a control instruction, model call, or head command procedure or any combination of the following: text, fill-ins, control characters, typographic instructions, line tabs.
A line can contain up to 250 characters. A line with a model call can contain up to 970 characters.
Line commands process the contents of documents, either as single lines or blocks of lines (block commands). Enter a line command starting at line edit margin (column 78) at the end of the document line which you want to process or where you want processing to begin. Press ENTER to execute it.
Certain line commands are used in directories to process entire documents (LIB line commands). Use them to display or edit members.
Enter line mode by means of the head or line command ADD. You can enter text and control instructions in this mode. Line commands can also be executed in line mode. You must watch for the end of the line on the screen and press the return key to start a new line.
Use a line tab within a line of text to specify the exact column where text is to begin.
Locally authored language is developed by a PSC and approved by Policy. This language is entered into AURORA and can be used by any PSC.
AURORA is a word processing system that is accessed by TAP terminals and housed on a mainframe computer in the National Computer Center (NCC). AURORA is used to process notices and other documents that cannot be completed by other programs.
Members are the elements of the AURORA library. Amember can be a model or a document. A member consists of lines, which can be control instruction lines, model lines and/or data lines. Data lines contain text, fill-ins, and/or constants and can be up to 250 characters long.
Each model contains a mini-spec that explains how the model works. It explains the edits built in to each fill-in and has other useful information.
A model is a member where text is stored (with or without fill-ins). The text represents stock paragraphs, form letters, exhibit letters, letterheads, signatures and forms. Models control the input, processing, or formatting of text.
Data can be passed to a model via a mask. The mask for these data insertions is called a model prompt screen.
Each model is given a name called a Universal Text Identifier (UTI). Model UTIs are always preceded by a pound sign (#).
The model prompt screen prompts the typist screen for fill-ins needed to complete models.
The national text file generally has all file models that have been determined to be used by all of the program service centers and/or have their text in POMS or some other national instruction.
Program function; PF keys numbered from PF1 through PF24 are designated for special functions such as PF17 that shows a document in print image on the screen. (See NL 00702.200 for more information.)
A print image occurs when text rather than UTIs and fill-ins are shown on the edit screen.
A queue is a group of documents or models.
A work queue contains documents for processing by the typist. A work queue is identified by I.
A review queue contains documents for review. A review queue is identified by IR.
A print queue contains documents awaiting printing. A print queue is identified by IP or IF.
An archive queue contains documents that are held for possible reprinting due to notice formatting issues.
A print error queue contains documents that were recirculated to components from the print queue because of error messages. A print error queue is identified by PE.
A shell is a document containing identifying information.
The shell has the name, address, SSN and BIC and is incorporated in a letterhead on AURORA for use by the typist on notices. Using a shell can save time for the typist and improve accuracy. The shell may also contain models that should not be part of the final notice and should be deleted.
Enter a stream mode by means of the line command STREAM. Stream mode is useful for entering text that is long or of undetermined length. In this mode you can enter control instructions for formatting text. You do not have to watch for the end of the line on the screen because the text automatically wraps around.
Using the #AAA031 model is the preferred way to enter stream mode.
After you press ENTER, AURORA automatically rejoins words that have been split at the ends of lines. After you enter one of the following control instructions and press ENTER, AURORA automatically switches to FIX mode: .BOX, .CEN, .SYN, .TAB.
Terminal Acquisition Project; TAP terminal, TAP printer; identifies hardware used by AURORA in the components.
The raw text of a document is its contents (text, model calls, control instructions) before formatting and printing occur.
Tie breaker refers to the automatic assignment of a unique name when two or more documents have the same SSN and BIC.
Typographic instructions format text. They produce, for example, boldface, italics, or underlining.